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Questa sezione contiene le principali
pubblicazioni scientifiche prodotte
dal Professor Chiarenza nell'anno 1977.



Chiarenza G.A. , Giordana, F., Maffei, C., Penati, G., Ponzano, M., Resele, L. e Rognoni, G.
The use of the CNV (Contingent Negative Variation) in the determination of residual effects of five hypnotic drugs.
Electroencephalography and clinical Neurophysiology, 1977, 43: 562.

Chiarenza G.A. , Resele, L. e Roncoroni, C.
The developmental aspects of the CNV (Contingent Negative Variation) with different stimuli in children.
Electroencephalography and clinical Neurophysiology, 1977, 43: 562.

Resele, L.F., Fornari, M.G., Chiarenza, G.A., Scarone, S. e Penati, G.
Residual effects of five hypnotics in normal subjects.
Abstracts, VIth World Congress of Psychiatry, 1977: 241.



ultimo aggiornamento: 17/02/2019 | last update: 17/02/2019


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