Home page » Articoli scientifici » Pubblicazioni scientifiche - anno 1993
Questa sezione contiene le principali
pubblicazioni scientifiche prodotte
dal Professor Chiarenza nell'anno 1993.
Chiarenza G.A.
Movement Related Brain Macropotentials of Persons With Down Syndrome During Skilled Performance.
American Journal of Mental Retardation 1993, Vol. 97, No. 4, 449-467.
Fattapposta F., Amabile G., Chiarenza G.A., Cordischi M.V., D'alessio C., Di Venanzio D., Foti A., Pierelli F., & Morocutti C.
MRBMs and levels of motor skillfulness.
International Journal of Psychophysiology 1993, vol. 14, 2, 122.
Chiarenza G.A., Cerutti S. & Liberati D.
Analysis of single trial movement-related potentials during skilled performance.
Atti First International Meeting on Advanced Methods in Visual Psychophysiology and Electrodiagnosis, Bristol, 1993 pp. 25. IN PRESS
Chiarenza G.A.
Spatial and temporal organisation of movement related brain macropotentials in children.
In: McCallum, W.C. & Curry, S.H. (Eds.) Slow potential changes in the human brain.
NATO ASI Series Volume 468 Plenum Publishing Corporation New York.
Chiarenza G.A. & Radaelli L.
Clinical usefulness of combined positive and negative interpeak latencies of the brain stem auditory evoked potentials in children with severe brain damage.
Neurologia Cromatica , 1993,3,15-25.
Chiarenza G.A., Alessi M.A.E.
La diagnosi funzionale in neuropsichiatria infantile: scienza e mito.
ultimo aggiornamento: 28/10/2009 | last update: 10/28/2009
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